From all of us at Jetbuilt to all of you, we wish you the very best holiday season. We hope you celebrate and reflect with those you love while looking forward with anticipation to 2017.
While you are out celebrating, Jetbuilt will continue to build and enhance our solutions. Look forward to more tools and shortcuts to help roll in the new year.
• Our new Proposal Previewer. Now as you preview a report for your project, you will see thumbnails, zoom tools, page breaks, and more. This gives you a much better final look at your proposal before shooting it off.

• Formatting your Payment Schedule. Now you can perform various text formatting in the payment schedule box including paragraph returns, bold, Iialics, bullet lists and more.
• New Help Area. We have finally moved the pesky Chat icon from the bottom right of every page. A new Help link is now located on the bottom left of each page. This link now takes you to common answers based on the page you are on.
If you don’t see the answer you need, the old chat icon once again appears. Don’t worry, the personal support you know and love won’t ever go away, we just wanted to get you instant answers for the most commonly asked questions before you bother asking.

Thanks again from Jetbuilt in California,
The Jetbuilt Team