Our Stock Module is now live! This and other great news in this update.
Stock Module is Live
We’re excited to announce Stock, our new inventory and warehouse tracking tool, is up and running.
Stock will help you track all the items you purchase, store, transport and install into your projects.
Integrated seamlessly within Jetbuilt’s Project and Install applications, know exactly where every item is, what inventory you have available, which items are allocated to future projects and much more.

Reach out to Support to have Stock activated into your account and take it for a spin! Watch the video below to learn more.

Edit Purchase Order Quantities
You can now adjust the quantities on your purchase orders to order more or less than your project requires.
While this enhances our new Stock module in various ways, this particular function is available to everyone in Jetbuilt.
Jetbuilt Summit 2021 is a Go for Orlando!

We had a great time in Texas last year with many of you for our first annual User Summit. We collaborated, networked, shared ideas and tricks within Jetbuilt, and discussed all things AV. And we also shared tasty Texas briskett and beer.
This year we will host a one-day Summit in tandem with InfoComm the day before the exhibits begin. Many of you attend the show every year, so this could be a convenient way to hit both events.
Mark your calendar for October 26
Location, schedule, registration and other details are forthcoming, so watch for that. Click the button below to let us know if you’d like to attend.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Orlando either at Jetbuilt Summit or our InfoComm booth, where our team will be showing off Stock, along with the overall power of Jetbuilt.
Thank you again for using Jetbuilt,
Paul and the Jetbuilt team