It’s been another busy time at Jetbuilt! We left ISE in Amsterdam for the last time as the show moves to Barcelona next year, but not without making a number of new great relationships. Those of you who are trying Jetbuilt out for the first time, Welcome!
This newsletter contains updates on the User Summit, Funnel Platform, and more.
Check out the video:
Paul gives us the lowdown on our new Owner Furnished Equipment functionality in Jetbuilt as well as new features in the Funnel platform and a User Summit update.
Owner Furnished Equipment
We are excited to bring this long-awaited functionality to our Enterprise Platform users!
When your client is providing any of the items in your project, you can now tag any line item in your projects as OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment).

Your proposals will now clearly indicate to you and to your client any items which are to be provided by them.
Also, OFE items will be omitted from the Purchasing area so that your POs will not include them.
Funnel Platform Updates
We’ve been working on additional functionality to Funnel as well. Here are a couple of notable things:
We have added a Sales Rep role. Now your team members can be Sales Rep, Sales Manager or both.

Sorting and Filtering now save with your profile. You can filter by Sales Rep, Source, Category and Stage and also sort by any column and that particular view of the Funnel will remain as you work in Jetbuilt.

Here’s a quick video run through of the Funnel Platform!
Avoid all the reading. Here is a quick our of Funnel.