These last two weeks have brought many updates to Jetbuilt. Those daily users have likely noticed:
• Project Versioning – In your Project Details area you can create and recall various versions. (Enterprise).
• Wider Builder window – Columns expand so large-screen users can experience less truncating.
• Distributor Pricing functionality. ALMO distribution is the first to present their pricing.
• Your dealer number appears on Purchase Orders.
• Ability to delete Purchase Orders.
• Ability to remove Purchasing Source from a vendor.
• “All Rooms” view option in the Builder.
• Client Name and City added to search in projects list area.
• Ability to move an item to a different room.
We have heard you tell us (many times) that you want a tablet app. We have been working on the design for some time. The app is designed primarily for very fast client-facing project population.
Walk through projects with a client, and simply drag Jetbuilt Bundles or Favorites into the rooms. Click to “Mute” a room or system (to present the price differences). Because your labor is already attached to each item you drag in, you will assemble a comprehensive price to the client. This is not a budget-finding tool, this is a job selling tool.
The client can then sign to purchase the project right on the tablet, or you can email it to them.
We would love some feedback from you about this app. Reply to this email with any thoughts and wishes you might have. Also, please let us know your vote: iPad or Android (to start).

While we met so many new potential Jetbuilt users at Infocomm, we were thrilled by how many of you- the current faithful- came by to visit. It was great to be able to meet with so many of you during the show.
The clear topic that stood out to us was how much you loved our support. While we did coin a term “Superior Support” for our web marketing pages, we actually mean it. We returned from the show and had to buy the support team a round of beers as congratulations for being the true star of the show.