First, we want to wish you all the best during this holiday season. Those of you whom we have spoken with are running at full speed wrapping up projects right now. We trust that you can knock them out, then sit back and catch your breath before it all starts over again.
We have received a lot of great feedback on last week’s rollout of the improved Product Search. Some of you (who clearly hadn’t read the last newsletter) have said things such as: “Wow- did you guys do something to the searches? Nice improvements!”
This week we rolled out our Line Item Internal Notes. This is a new field in your Line Item Detail overlay. We had been asked for a place to hold sourcing information, unique installation notes and more. For any given line item you can write in:
• Buy from Starin Distribution
• We will use up all that lime green CAT5 in the warehouse on this job
• Rotate these horns to tall dispersion – look at the drawings!!!.
These notes will then export to your CSV file that you then run your project off of. They will also show up in our forthcoming project report and more. This is an optional field, you do not need to populate it.

Thanks again for such a great year. This week we celebrated with our first annual Christmas Party. I am the one trying to figure out how to open up a package of chopsticks.
As always, keep your comments coming. With your help, we are building a better Jetbuilt.