Holiday Greetings from the Jetbuilt Team
We’d like to warmly wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, Happy Boxing Day and all other celebrations you enjoy this season. As this email goes out our team is celebrating together at the annual Jetbuilt Christmas party. We trust that you are enjoying the season as well, and are gearing up for a fantastic 2023.
Here are a few things we’d like to highlight in our year-end newsletter, including what recent inflation means to your Jetbuilt pricing.
Jetbuilt Pricing Adjustment
Unfortunately, it had to happen. In order to continue serving our community efficiently in this unique inflationary climate, we had to concede to inflation. However, while inflation has risen by nearly 8% this year, we are limiting the increase to approximately 3% for all existing customers. You can expect to see this change in January going forward.

The Best 22 Features of 2022!
It was a busy year adding new functionality for you all. We’ve compiled a list of our top 22!
- Engineering Scrub Functionality – Force your projects through a scrub stage while the engineer validates each item/system.
- Jetbuilt Engineering Lab (JEL) – Drawings and documentation service within the Jetbuilt environment.
- Service Module – Handle all of your service and support needs with all the Jetbuilt ease and automation.
- Technical Data Fields – Monitor all of your technical data points for your items within the Jetbuilt Builder.
- Standing Offer Functionality – Configure and propose your Standing Offer projects within Jetbuilt.
- Countless New Datapoints to our API – Always expanding as we see amazing tools and tricks built by the community.
- Export All Project PO’s into Single CSV file – One single export for all POs inside of a project.
- Vectorworks Integration – Allowing item population in either platform to populate in the other.
- Swap Purchasing Currencies Item by Item – Allows for greater flexibility item by item on the fly.
- New External Notes Field and Builder Column – Also presentable on proposals.
- Change the Cost Currency on the Fly – Item by item cost currency swappable on the fly.
- Updates to Discounts – Many flexible features to define, manipulate and present item by item discounts to your client.
- Shared Project Recipients File Uploader – Allows recipient to upload files to the shared project, into their own folder.
- Convert Percentage Factors to Flat Price Factor – Helpful after a project sale to lock in final price.
- Multiple Engineers on Projects – The ability to assign multiple engineers per project as needed.
- Discussion Notifications Update – Turn on or off comment notifications on a per-project basis.
- Multiple Tax Rate Updates – Allows for more flexible, multiple tax rates per project.
- Purchasing, Assets, and Task areas of a Project – are now available at the Contract stage instead of the Install stage.
- New Item DB Control – New setting limiting if products are pushed to the database (or not) the first time they are used.
- Manufacturer Discount Flexibility. Previously limited to vendors you have a direct pricing connection with.
- German and French Proposals – Allowing you to present your proposals natively in those languages.
- 1000 Smaller Features, Updates, Refinements, and Surprises throughout the course of 2022.
Service Module Highly Regarded in 2022

Of all the features we launched this year, Service is the most significant and highly regarded by those who have experienced it. Our much anticipated Service functionality integrates uniquely with existing features in the Jetbuilt platform.
- Customers can scan a QR code on an item that is acting up and create a Service case automatically.
- Techs can access an item’s asset information, such as warranty, serial number and IP address on their phone.
- When an item is nearing end of warranty, a service case can be automatically generated, notifying you to contact the client about possible replacement.
- Email conversation sync within each service case, along with email automation for customer notifications throughout the life of the case
Moving Into 2023
We are excited for 2023 and are committed to further implementing functionality into the platform that provides the best experience possible. Looking ahead to ISE Barcelona, we hope to meet some of you the Jetbuilt Experience Center!
Happy Holidays and thank you again for using Jetbuilt.
The Jetbuilt team