ISE is only a month away, and we are looking forward to another great time meeting new and familiar faces. Last year our stand was a bit hard to find to put it nicely. So this year we decided to take our budget and put it into Beer. We are setting up demos in pubs, cafes and hotels around the RAI this year.
Let us buy you a beer or lunch while we show you the power of Jetbuilt. A bit of a break from being on your feet all day.
Just visit Jetbuilt.com/ISE to check out our show page. Send the link to any friends you have going to the show as well. From there you can book a demo, a beer, as well as follow along with the show from home.
Our Client Management has grown into a full CRM over the last several months. Many of you have been holding off from moving into a new CRM in hopes that ours would provide the minimum set of features you are looking for. Many of you who use other CRMs tell us you only use a portion of the features, and have been hoping to roll that into your Jetbuilt workflow.
Well, the Jetbuilt CRM is here, and we are getting great response to it already. Not only can you manage all your clients and contacts in Jetbuilt, you can assign tasks for you or your team to clients and their projects.
You can also create Opportunities with a starting budget, so that you can track your pipeline of all future projects including these projects that don’t yet haven’t yet been populated/estimated.
In the next few weeks look for Project Factors. Factors allow you to sell or credit amounts to your projects on a global basis. You can set them to charge based on a percentage or Equipment, Labor or Both. You can charge a price per days on the job, or just flat pricing as desired.
Also, as Admin, you can setup certain Factors to be required for all new projects. These factors will automatically appear on projects and are only editable or deletable by Admin.