This has been a terrific week at Jetbuilt, rolling out two long-awaited features. There were also a handful of small updates the last couple of weeks you may not have noticed – such as the project Trash Can (it works just like it sounds).
But the big news is:
Now you can charge and credit amounts to the bottom line of your project.
Here are a few examples:
- Charge shipping as a % of equipment price
- Charge travel expenses as price per day on the project
- Credit 10% off the total as a discount to a customer
- Charge hardware as a % of equipment cost
- You get the idea
Many of you are required in your bids, or simply see closing power in attaching product spec sheets to your proposals. You have been able to do this up to now with third party PDF editors. You can now automate this inside of Jetbuilt.
Simply drag your PDF spec sheets into any item you want to present (in the Jetbuilt Builder). We will store it with your item for future uses. Those sheets will then automatically be added to each proposal as desired.
We hope you enjoy the savings in time with this new batch of functionality. As always, these updates happened while you were sleeping, and we didn’t even charge you for an upgraded license
Here are links to the tutorial videos – enjoy!
Cheers from Jetbuilt in California,
Paul Dexter