Today we launched a major update to the way you interact with groups and pages within the designer. Rather than working in separate lists, you can now click into a report group, then design and manipulate the pages within that group. This will dramatically speed up your report design workflow.
Additionally, Enterprise users can now hide groups. Rather than working with a long list of groups, you can reduce your list to only those that you personally use. This also applies to the list of groups you select from when rendering a proposal within a project.
Here is a new help article with detailed instructions on the Designer update
Don’t forget the video! Paul takes us through the newly launched features and also discusses some vision for where Jetbuilt is going in CRM, PM and more.
Paul walks us through the new designer workflow. Now you can interact with your proposal groups and pages in one combined list. Also a nice reporting update and more about Asset Management.
We also launched three new functions to our Enterprise Reporting section. In addition to the existing filters, you can now filter your reports by:
Project Close Date (editable field in Project Details)
Company Locations (select one or more office locations)
Added ALL to the date range presets, so you can run lifetime reports.

Thanks for using Jetbuilt. Until next time,
Paul and the Jetbuilt team