Bundles Update

Jetbuilt is always improving. Here are this week’s updates:


Using bundles to quickly drop an entire group of items into an estimate is a big time saver. Now you can chose to display all the items in your bundles as a single line item (the default) or opened up as individual lines in a proposal.

You probably don’t need us to tell you the advantages of both options, but we will lay out a couple scenarios just for fun:

A small bundle, like a Projector, a Lens, a Mount, and a Drop Pole could be presented in a proposal as a single line item called “Model X Projector Kit”. This could be helpful in preventing your client from price comparing. We know your price if fair- there is no need for them to pick it apart.

A larger bundle such as your go-to stage microphone package (Mics, Stands and Cables) would be better broken out into line items so your client can rightly see all the quantities and models you are providing.

This display option is found in your Line Item page editor (Reports area) where you select all your other line item options.


Many of you first checking out Jetbuilt are getting bogged down in the Products area. The power of Jetbuilt is your gift to SKIP this setup area. If you have a project you need to estimate, just start estimating…

Click Add Item within your project and type in the manufacturer’s name (and maybe the beginning of the model number) in the search box and you will see the list of matching items. Select it from the list, add your labor values and price, and move on.

It is only in the cases that we don’t have your product in our 400,000 item database that you would then need to add the item yourself. Even then, you do it right there in your project. Use the Add New Item link and manually add that item and it’s values. This will add it to that project AND your database for next time. You can add your custom items or labor items the same way.

There really is not a need to visit the Product area unless you want to go back and make hard changes to your items, or upload your full database of items.


You can now export your Client data as a csv file. Use the button on top of your client list, and a file will download of all your clients with all their fields.

Once again, don’t hesitate to reach out to us through email, phone or live chat within Jetbuilt. We love to hear your feedback, solve your questions, and build a Jetbuilt that works for you.