As the fastest growing AV sales and project management platform aimed at providing the best possible experience for our community, we’ve added loads of practical functionality in 2022. We scoured through the many features that were added to the Jetbuilt platform this year and compiled a list of our 22 favorites.
Many features listed are available in our Lite platform, while some require Enterprise or an optional module. If you’d like more information about anything on this list, click the links where provided or reach out to our fantastic Customer Care team.
Here’s the list:
#1 – Service (Optional Module)
Our most highly regarded feature of the year! Handle all of your service and support needs while leveraging the full power of your Jetbuilt environment. Schedule service, track time and equipment costs for cases. Customers can scan a QR code on an item that is acting up and create a service case automatically. Techs can access an item’s asset information, such as warranty, serial number and IP address on their phone. When an item is nearing end-of-warranty, a service case can be automatically generated, notifying you to contact the client about possible replacement. Email conversations sync within each service case, along with email automation for customer notifications throughout the life of the case.
#2 – Engineering/Scrub Functionality
Allows you to force your projects through an engineering process, where an engineer must approve every item in the project before releasing it. As needed, the engineer can use the Swap button to swap items to achieve desired function or campatibility. They can swap individually or across the entire project in one action. This can be set to occur either before Proposal or before Installation stage. The engineer is notified that the project is ready for review. The “Comparator” display shows the goal, or contract budget, allowing the engineer to monitor the over-under and stay within budget when possible. They can also ask design questions with the salesperson directly in the project’s Discussion thread.
#3 – Jetbuilt Engineering Lab (JEL)
Commission CAD drawings, Revit drawings, and even presale engineering as needed, all within the integrated workflow of Jetbuilt. Design your project, add files, share the project with the JEL team, discuss details in an organized thread within the project and specify formatting. This service reduces the cost of hiring in-house personnel with the proper skill set, while allowing experienced staff more effective use of their time.
#4 – Technical Data Fields
Further enhancing the engineering process, we have provided the ability to turn on technical data columns within the Builder, including rack units, power consumption, BTU, and dimensions of items. Having a clear view of this technical information during the design process will help ensure a project is properly built and components such as rack space, power, heat ventilation, and weight capacity are accounted for, resulting in the smoothest possible installation process.
#5 – Standing Offer Functionality
Leveraging our equipment pricing programs, you can now easily create Standing Offer quotes. New dynamic fields within the Builder and the Line Item Report Page allow you to present the discount from MSRP to help with these unique proposals. Customized titles of discount amounts can be created and displayed as the column header of the generated proposal.
#6 – New Datapoints to our API
The Jetbuilt API is always expanding as we see amazing tools and tricks built by the community. We continue to learn what our creative users are able to accomplish with the API links and we enjoy facilitating their work. If you are ready to explore the power of API, just reach out to support for your API key for yourself, or a third-party to build integrations with other platforms and software.
#7 – Export All Project PO’s into Single CSV File
The “Export All” button inside the purchasing area of a project allows you to export all POs for that project into one single CSV file at once. For those who perform purchasing inside an accounting system/ERP, having this full list is faster and easier to work with. It can also be used to export several project lists and consolidate the CSV files for more cost effective purchasing.
#8 – Vectorworks Integration
A Jetbuilt project can seamlessly export into Vectorworks ConnectCAD to create CAD drawings, BIM models, 3D renderings and more. Alternatively, a Vectorworks design in ConnectCAD can be efficiently pushed into Jetbuilt for fast and powerful quoting. Vectorworks is the award-winning international design and BIM software provider respected globally as a leader in CAD solutions.
#9 – Swap Purchasing Currencies Item by Item
While Jetbuilt has allowed for multiple purchasing currencies within a project for years, we’ve made it even more flexible with this little feature. For any brand that you can purchase in two or more currencies, you can now flip the currency on the fly within the project. While you may typically purchase Brand X in Euro, it may be beneficial to purchase it in GBP or USD for one project based on other items being purchased. A simple dropdown allows this selection.
#10 – New External Notes Field and Builder Column
Each item has a field for an External note that can be presented on a proposal and viewed in a column in the Builder when the option is checked. These make a proposal more personal and provide further detail and clarity as needed for the customer. Example: CFE item currently located in Break Room.
#11 – Client Activity Overview
Allows you to view all the Service cases and projects for a customer in one place. This facilitates seeing problem projects as well as the depth of engagement with a client. All of this can inform decisions about Service contracts and future work.
#12 – Show Discount On Proposals
If you want to make it clear the percentage off of MSRP discount you are offering your client, you can now activate the “Discount” field. You can then, in turn, show this discount on your proposal line by line as a % off MSRP.
#13 – File Uploads for Shared Projects
Allows a recipient to upload files to the shared project. Files uploaded by the recipient will appear in a uniquely created folder for you to view. This can be formatted in CSV, PDF, or PNG and enables them to view, edit and manipulate information in their own space for greater clarity and creativity, while collaborating within the platform.
#14 – Convert Percentage Factors to Flat Price Factors
This is helpfull after a sale to lock in the final price of a factor. This keeps factors from changing simply due to a product swap or change in dealer cost, and can be used to exclude factors from change orders. You control when to convert a factor that uses a percentage method to a flat rate factor. You can choose to convert your factor after proposal sign off, for example – when your project moves to Contract Phase.
#15 – Multiple Engineers on Projects
You can now assign multiple engineers per project as needed. One person may do pre-sales engineering and another post-sales documentation work. Or the DSP engineer may need to be put on notice that the project is heading their way.
#16 – Discussion Notifications Update
Turn on or off comment notifications on a per-project basis. This keeps discussion traffic down to what you really want to see, so you can reduce clutter and optimize your time. You’ll find a Notification checkbox at the top of the Discussion area for each project.
#17 – Multiple Tax Rates for a Single Project
Allows for more flexibility and multiple tax rates per project. When you have two tax rates entered on a project, the Builder will show them as combined, but they will be split back out at the end of the proposal with each tax name and amount.
#18 – Many New Office Location Settings
Allows the ability to add unique factors, templates, and pricing programs by office location–including labor costs and labor presets. These can be customized as needed for each location. This is particularly helpful when certain office locations have wide differences in local labor, parking, and other costs.
#19 – “New Item” Database Control
This setting allows the ability to control whether or not products are pushed to the company database by default the first time they are used. Now designers can use a new item while adding various labor, shipping and other values. But this item will not be added to the company database, and will appear “new” again the next time it is used.
#20 – Manufacturer Discount Flexibility
Previously limited to vendors you have a direct pricing connection with, this feature allows brand specific discounts to be entered regardless of how it will be purchased. This can be helpful for various purchasing methods, including through distribution.
#21 – German and French Proposals
In addition to American English, British English, and Spanish, in 2022 we added the ability to present your proposals natively in German and French. While your work in the application will still be in English, (for now, anyway) you will be able to present your projects to your German and French speaking clients in their first language.
#22 – 1000 Smaller Features and Updates
Many additional smaller features, updates, and refinements have been made throughout the year. As you, the community, propose improvements to the platform, we listen, evaluate, and build to keep driving Jetbuilt forward as the most powerful project platform in AV.
More Functionality Coming in 2023
We are excited for 2023 and are committed to further implementing time-saving features and functionality into the platform that helps you love doing what you do.
Again, if you have any questions, please reach out. We’re happy to help!
The Jetbuilt team