Project Audio Visual credits Jetbuilt with supporting its global growth

On a mission to improve communication, increase transparency and streamline operational processes in an era of rapid business growth, Project Audio Visual found Jetbuilt and hasn’t looked back.

Project Audio Visual is on a phenomenal business growth journey. From quickly changing tact and pivoting during Covid to focus on the rise of the hybrid workplace, the company is now endearingly known as The Teams Team and was the first integrator to reach the massive milestone of 6500 Teams Rooms installed and delivered, globally.
This journey continues with PAV opening a European office in The Netherlands and in April 2024 becoming part of the AVPM Group and a sister company to AV Partsmaster, in an expansion that is set to benefit both firms.

To manage and maximize this growth across its growing empire, Project Audio Visual was looking to move away from its outdated CRM system, which lacked the robustness and functionality required to keep up with their expanding demands.

“We recognized that we needed to move across to a platform ecosystem that could facilitate improvements in efficiency and communication as the team continues to scale worldwide, and to further assist with customer service for our global client base,” explains Steve Hudson, COO at Project Audio Visual.

Researching the alternatives led him to Jetbuilt. “Jetbuilt appealed to us as it is a dedicated platform for the audio visual industry, built from the ground up by a respected team who have firsthand experience as AV integrators, so understand the unique challenges we face,” says Hudson.

Since embracing Jetbuilt, the platform’s flexibility and scalability has helped to fuel the company’s growth behind the scenes by streamlining processes, enhancing team collaboration and speeding up the quotation process.

“We use Jetbuilt across our whole client engagement process, starting with using it to enhance our quotation process,” explains Hudson. “The platform’s user-friendly interface allows the sales team to create quotes quickly with features such as the ability to activate/deactivate rooms, copy/move line items and duplicate rooms. This enhances flexibility in quote customization, even when quoting for larger corporate customers who have requirements for numerous Microsoft Teams Rooms.”

This was a functionality Project Audio Visual previously lacked, meaning bigger quotes that used to take up to a day to compile can now be completed in just a few hours. In addition, the designer feature within Jetbuilt allows the Project Audio Visual team to create bespoke proposals that meet the specific needs of their prospective customers and reflect their brands, moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach to deliver an increasingly personalized service, which is seeing results.

“The bottom line for us is time efficiency. Our services are rapidly growing in demand, so any assets that help us streamline our operations are a winner,” says Hudson.
The platform has facilitated better communication within teams and between different departments, providing clear visibility into the stages of each project and opportunity. “This may seem simple, but the enhanced communication has dramatically improved the synergy amongst the growing team,” says Hudson. “The team now feel reassured they’ve got the flexibility in the platform to grow whilst remaining completely transparent with each other, no matter where in the world they are located.”

For new team members, the intuitive UI of Jetbuilt means that they can quickly get up to speed with minimal training. “The platform is logically structured, which has been an evident hidden benefit for us,” says Hudson. “It has made it easy for new employees to learn and use the platform effectively from the start, minimising training time and accelerating productivity.”
As Project Audio Visual continues to enjoy long term relationships with clients through service and support contacts, Jetbuilt also provides robust reporting tools. With intuitive filters, the platform enables both team-based and individual reporting, helping monitor performance and make strategic decisions based on actual real-time data.

“Jetbuilt really has become an indispensable tool for our team, helping to bring us together as we navigate the next phase of our business adventure, and to meet the evolving needs of our clients,” says Hudson. “We feel a massive synergy with Jetbuilt, who is on a similar growth journey to us. They are highly responsive when we ask for new features or integrations and are also dedicated to continuing to improve the user experience, so I’m sure we will continue to grow together for many years to come.”